2025 March 18 • 20:30

20 € / 16 € / 12 €

Victoria Eugenia Antzokia

55 minutes

Ticketing: February 6 • 11:30

© Carlos Ojeda

The empty horror of the 21st century speaks of our fear of a vacuum, of our era becoming void of content. Staying busy is the perfect solution to keep us from thinking. Repeating a long routine of distractions that overwhelm our soul, so as to avoid being left alone with our self. 

What happens when we decide to stop, and all of a sudden find ourselves face-to-face with that closed room where everything happens? What is hiding in there? 

One day, somewhere, some place, you will inevitably meet yourself, and that, only that, could be the happiest or bitterest moment in your life. In the words of Pablo Neruda. 

Direction, choreography: Iker Karrera. Performers: Katalin Arana, Marc López, Raymond Naval, Serena Pomer, Teresa Royo. Assistant Choreographer: Carla Diego. Dramaturgy: Verónica Ronda, David Serrano. Original music: Alex Aller, Jose Venditti (saxophone), Alex Larraga (accordion), Raymond Naval (voice, lyrics). Lighting design: Rodrigo Ortega. Costume design: Laura Cortés. Lighting tecnician: Pau Duvide. Photos: Jacobo Medrano, Carlos Ojeda. Video: Carlos Ojeda. Production: Isabella Lima. Distribution: Raquel Anaya