2025 March 18 • 17:00 + 23:00

16 € (early sale: 14 € )

Victoria Eugenia Club

Language: Spanish - 60 minutes

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You don't have to burn books to destroy culture. Just get people to stop reading them.

Xavo Giménez: "These words of truth are not mine, but of the poet Ray Bradbury, the author of the novel on which this universal work is based. A dystopian tale which, despite being seventy years old, continues to burn fiercely. Montag is a fireman who burns books in a world which has thrown itself into constant happiness, entertainment. Reading is forbidden. A world where porches and rocking chairs have disappeared from homes. Zips have replaced buttons. The time that people spent dressing, that time dedicated to melancholy, is history. Schools now train runners, throwers, batters, jumpers, racers, deliverers, flyers or swimmers, rather than teachers, sages and creators. Fire is bright. Fire is clean. People don't need adjectives or adverbs. They need competitions they can win". 

What happens if one day a fireman accidentally takes a book home rather than burning it? 

Versión: Xavo Giménez. Dramaturgy: María Cárdenas. Direction: María Cárdenas, Xavo Giménez. Performers: Xavo Giménez, Carles Chiner. Musical composition: Carles Chiner. Sound and lighting design: Cotu Peral. Production: La Teta Calva. Distribution: a+ Soluciones Culturales