Any parties interested in attending must complete a registration form with their contact details and documentation accrediting their professional status. Before completing the questionnaire, it is advisable to examine the various professional categories for knowledge of the logistics facilities made available to each professional profile by the fair, since the latter will be assigning the type of accreditation to each professional operator, on the basis of the information supplied.

The deadline to register for the 2025 edition has ended.

There are three attendance modes for dFERIA:

Type A accreditation

They will have accommodation and full sustenance at the expense of the organisation. Accommodation in general will be single rooms for cultural agents, and double rooms for casts.

The number of type A accreditations will be limited, and confirmation will be via the organisation, before 3 March.

This type of accreditation is for:

  • Public and private cultural programmers, institutional representatives, and those responsible for scheduling international festivals and fairs and representatives of professional associations relating to scenic arts. They must attach a dossier or a link to the website, with the programming for which they are responsible.
  • Representatives or international companies scheduled at dFERIA.

The Fair will only accredit one representative per organisation.


Those accredited as type A undertake participation in activities organised by the fair in which their presence is requested, and completion of an evaluation survey after the fair.

Type B accreditation

They will have accommodation*, breakfast and 50% sustenance at the expense of the organisation.

*Note: Those opting for a double room must specifically inform the organisation who they intend the share the room with. Those opting for a single room must pay 40 € per night directly to the hotel.

The number of type B accreditations will be limited, and confirmation will be via the organisation, before 3 March.

This type of accreditation is for:

  • Public and private cultural technical officers and programmers, institutional representatives, and those responsible for scheduling festivals and fairs and representatives of professional associations relating to scenic arts. They must attach a dossier or a link to the website, with their programming for which they are responsible.
  • Distribution companies representing at least 5 companies with a distribution agenda in accordance with the fair's programming criteria, and an active presence in the sector with the last year. For confirmation of the request, they must attach a link to the website containing the dossiers of the companies they represent.
  • Representatives of companies scheduled at dFERIA.

The Fair will only accredit one representative per organisation.


Those accredited as type B undertake participation in activities organised by the fair in which their presence is requested, and completion of an evaluation survey after the fair.

Type C accreditation

They will have 50% sustenance covered by the organisation, and will be entitled to request tickets for performances and to use the accreditation for admittance to the various common areas and professional activities at the fair.

The number of type C accreditations will be limited, and confirmation will be covered by the organisation, before 3 March.

This type of accreditation is for:

  • Scenic arts companies/producers, with the exception of those representing a performance at the Fair.
  • Distributor of scenic arts performances.
  • Other professional operators from institutions, organisers or companies operating in the culture industry or the education sector.


Depending on demand for groups A and B, the organisers will attempt to provide entrance tickets for the Victoria Eugenia Theatre and the SGAE Foundation's Main Theatre for those accredited as type C. Considering the smaller areas of other spaces, this is probably inviable.

General observations

  • Sending the request does not automatically guarantee accreditation. The request is confirmed in a reply from the organisation.
  • Places are limited. The order of confirmation of attendance will be taken into account, and priority will always be given to professional operators attending the entire event.
  • Each accreditation will have a number code and an "activity" route established by the organisation for access to scenic and common areas, and to transportation at the fair.
  • Depending on the space available, parties accredited will have priority in this order: type A, type B, and lastly type C.
  • If they fail to attend the Fair on the days stated in the request, changes must be notified to the organisation 72 hours beforehand. If such circumstances are not notified, the applicant must cover the costs arising from cancellation of accommodation, by direct payment.