Actividades profesionales
© Gorka Bravo

Miradas Cruzadas meeting

16 March · 9:30 + 12:00

Victoria Eugenia (China Room)

Closed meeting

Miradas Cruzadas. Mujeres que corren con el futuro de la belleza seeks to bring together women from the realms of theatre and dance in a unique conceptual space as part of the dFERIA trade fair. The objective is to encourage these women to reflect on modern times from a human, creative and professional perspective. The participants will discuss, from the perspective of sisterhood, how difficult it is to flourish in the creative industries during times of crisis. As performance arts, dancing and acting are means of reflecting on everyday life and expressing our emotions and feelings, which are sometimes difficult to articulate. During times of crisis, scenic thought can provide not only joy, compassion and a space for dreaming, but also a sense of meaning.

The meeting is the result of the collaboration between the Fundación María Pagés and Donostia Kultura. 

Round table 1. Retos de las artes escénicas en tiempos trumpianos

09:30 -12:00. Moderator: María Pagés (flamenco dancer, choreographer, entrepreneur and arts manager)
Participants: Marina Bollain (CDAEM director, stage director), Olga Pericet (flamenco dancer and choreographer), Patricia Guerrero (flamenco dancer and choreographer), Cristina Mora (Fuenlabrada city councillor), IIona Goyeneche (curator, arts manager and journalist), Angels Margarit (artistic director, choreographer), María Goiricelaya (stage director, playwright, arts manager), Irene Pardo (director of the Almagro International Classical Theatre Festival)

Round table 2. La crisis como vector de la creación

12:00 -14:30. Moderator: Helena Salaberria (entrepreneur, curator and arts manager)
Participants: Mónica Runde (dancer), Astrid Jones (actress and singer), Ana López-Asensio (curator, arts manager and policymaker), Irene Tena (dancer), Magüi Mira (stage director and actress), Ana Morales (flamenco dancer and choreographer), Guiomar Fernández (deputy director of the National Ballet),  Marie-Christine Rivière (CNN Ballet de Biarritz)

Welcome event

17 March · 13:30 

Tabakalera (Patio)

With invitation

Welcome by the dFERIA management. The conclusions of the Miradas Cruzadas meeting will also be announced and a presentation will be made by the countries invited to the Fair with the presence of the Embassies of Germany, Switzerland and Austria and the Goethe Institute. This will be followed by Twenty Toes show by Roxana Küwen.

Space for the sector

17 March · 14:30 - 16:00 

Tabakalera (Patio)

With invitation

Space for conversation between the professionals participating in dFERIA over lunch.

Actividades profesionales
© Gorka Bravo

Business Forum

18 - 19 March · 13:00 - 14:30

Tabakalera (Patio)

  • Prior registration: a registration form will be sent out to professionals registered for dFERIA
  • Coordinated by Ana Belén Santiago.

5-minute speed talks between artists and those responsible for local, national and international programming, distributed into tables and organised according to shared interests.

The forum coordinator will select the final participants and will establish a maximum number of visits per selected agent, seeking to match interests between those sitting at the tables and those visiting them, in the endeavour to optimise the work.

Actividades profesionales
© Gorka Bravo


16 March · 17:00

Victoria Eugenia (Foyer)

  • Spanish Academy of Performance Arts presents The de-centralisation and internationalisation of the Academy

Participants: Cayetana Guillén Cuervo (Chair of the Academy), Eduardo Galán (Vice-Chair of the Academy),
Emilio Sosa (Chair of the American Theatre Wing in New York), Javier Molina (Artistic Director of The Actors Studio in New York)

16th ADGAE Art Management Days

17 March · 9:00 - 13:00

Tabakalera (Z room), 1st floor

With accreditation, as capacity allows

ADGAE, the Association of Performing Arts Distribution and Management Companies, has since 2006 organised its Art Management Days, a platform to reflect on the current state of the sector, and devise strategies to help in developing the Performing Arts in general, and distribution in particular. This time around, the day will focus on "Internationalisation of the Performing Arts". The Day will take the form of a presentation, a roundtable and subsequent debate.

Moderator: Susana Rubio (president of the ADGAE). Participants: María Valls (international coordinator at La Red), Carolina Ortega Ormaechea (tour agent and sustainability consultant at Aurora Nova, Germany), María Belén Marinato (international and regional relations administrator of the Berlin Performing Arts Programme platform of independent artists, Germany), Toni González (internationalisation consultant and former member of the Governing Board of the IETM)

Case studies

18 - 19 March

Kutxa Fundazioa (Tabakalera, 1st floor)

Presentation of cooperation and internationalisation programmes. Representatives of foreign and national cultural institutions who perform in the Basque Country will introduce their programmes centered on international cooperation and the promotion of cultural exchange between European cultural artists and organisations.

  • 18 March, 11:00 – 12:30: Performance arts management in Germany. A meeting involving representatives of different German festivals and/or theatres.
  • 19 March, 12:30 - 13:30: Meeting involving IBERESCENA, REDELAE and the National Latinx Theater of Los Angeles. Participants: Zaida Rico, Technical Secretary of the IBERESCENA Technical Unit (UTI); Olga Garay-English, director of the National Latinx Theater Initiative (NLTI);  Gustavo Zidan, member of  REDELAE.


À la carte meetings

17 - 20 March · 10:00 - 13:00

Victoria Eugenia (Ambigú)

dFERIA has been attended by myriad institutions, associations, companies and other bodies in recent years. Seeking to encourage synergies between all of these agents, this year dFERIA proposes a space where international performing arts programmers, institutions, companies and associations can have short meetings with one another.


SAREA General Assembly

17 March · 9:00 - 11:00

Egia Kultur Etxea

COFAE Assembly

17 March · 9:00 - 13:00

Victoria Eugenia (Multipurpose Room)