Media interested in covering the fair must complete the registration form with their contact information. Before filling in the form, it is advisable to read the regulations. Once the form has been filled in, dFERIA must confirm the registration for it to be valid.

The deadline for registration in the 2025 event will be from 6th February to 24th February.

Rules for communication media

The dFERIA Press Office must be contacted for coverage of performances and/or activities.

  • Camera flashes are not permitted.
  • Photos may be taken during the first five minutes of each performance, from the areas designated by the organisation, and under no circumstances may they be taken from the actual stage.
  • No mixing desk sound may be used for any performance and/or activity.
  • The camera crew cannot enter the stage under any circumstances.

Collection of invitations, accreditations and entrance tickets

Press accreditations are to be collected from the dFERIA Meeting Point in Plaza Okendo, as of 16 March (16:00h).